A conference on conserving, curating and creating access to papyri in Cambridge
The Third Papyrus Curatorial and Conservations Meeting.
Following the first two successful meetings at the British Museum, this meeting will take place on 29–30 June 2017 at Cambridge University Library. An international group of professionals – conservators, curators and researchers- will convene to present and discuss aspects of their work in progress. In the second annual conference, the group agreed to a travelling meeting. This arrangement should facilitate a closer look at collections of the hosting institutions and also open up opportunities for local professionals – including those non-specialists who are in charge of special collections- to join the group and gain a more far-reaching outlook.
In Cambridge large numbers of papyri are held not only in the University Library and the Fitzwilliam Museum but also in many colleges and related libraries. Some of these are well known from literature, while others have remained undiscovered. For a number of reasons, neither category stipulates an easy access or a permanently secured state of conservation. In this meeting we are hoping to present results of successful work, though the emphasis will be on sharing issues and discussing best practice.
For this year’s meeting we are looking forward to welcoming an group of presenters from all over the world and sharing our experiences with an equally diverse audience.
Please find the programme below.
A fee of £30 (£15 per day) will be charged to cover costs.
Please register if you wish to book a place.
For more information contact
Yasmin Faghihi yf227@cam.ac.uk
P r o g r a m m e
Thursday 29 June
9:30-9:50 Registration
9:50-10:00 Welcome
Papyri Collections in Cambridge University Library
10:00-11:00 Catherine Ansorge , Cambridge University Library
How did our Papyri get here?
Anna Johnson, Cambridge University Library
Building a papyrus conservation programme from scratch
Yasmin Faghihi , Cambridge University Library
The Michaelides collection of Arabic papyri
Amelie Deblauwe , Cambridge University Library
Digistisation in Cambridge University Library
11:00-12:30 Coffee & tours: Display of papyri, visit to Conservation Studio, optional visit to Genizah Exhibition
12:30-13:30 Lunch (will be provided)
13:30-14:00 Peter Toth, Gayle Whitby, Vania Assis, British Library
Challenges and their Lessons: Digitising the Collection of Greek Papyri at the British Library
14:00-14:20 Marius Gerhardt, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Digital Access through Papyrological Databases
14:20-14:40 Tzulia Siopi, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Taking stock of hidden fragments from Elephantine
14:40-15:00 Maria Ragan, Louise Battiscombe, Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology, University College London
Papyrus for the People
Visit to Fitzwilliam Museum
15:30-16:45 Julie Dawson, Fitzwilliam Museum, University of Cambridge
The Book of the Dead of Ramose and other papyri in the Fitzwilliam Museum: conservation and storage project
Friday 30 June
Workshop/round table
9:30-10:30 Ilona Regulski, British Museum
Terminological difficulties when cataloguing papyri
10:30-11:00 Break (refreshments will be provided)
11:00-11:20 Jessica Baldwin and Jill Unkel , Chester Beatty Library
The Trouble with Mani
11:20-11:40 Helen Sharp, British Museum
Conservation Treatment of the de Vaucelles papyrus
11:40-12:00 M. Cristina Ibáñez Domínguez, High School of Arts, Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage of León, León (Spain)
Carbonized Paryri from the Palau Ribes Collection
12:00-12:20 Elizabeth Ryan, Stanford University Libraries
Papyri Collections at Stanford University Libraries: Conservation and Access
12:20-13:30 Lunch (will be provided)
13.40-14:00 Marieka Kaye, University of Michigan Library
Exploring New Glass Technology for the Glazing of Papyri
14:00-14:20 Myriam Krutzsch, Ägyptisches Museum und Papyrussammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Mounts and their effects on papyrus
14.20-14.40 Elizabeth Gow, University of Manchester
Rehousing unpublished papyri at the John Rylands Library
14.40-15.00 Abdelrhman Muhammed, Cairo University
Comparison study on manufacture methods of papyrus and papyrus deterioration
15:00-15:05 Break (refreshments will be provided)
15:05-15:10 Yasmin Faghihi, Cambridge UL: Closing remarks & next meeting
Visit to Wren Library Trinity College
15:30-17:00 Andrew Bednarski, Trinity College Cambridge, Display of papyrus collection
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